Tuesday, December 01, 2009


I know - this is not the first time I write a blog post in which I apologize for not writing for so long and vow to get back in the saddle. But, who knows, maybe I'll keep it up this time. Just like I might start going to the gym to work out again...

It's December 1st. The kids opened the first window on their advent calendars today. They have the kind with a little chocolate for each day, as they have every year. Cheap and easy, and they're happy to get a little chocolate before school every morning.

This year, I had to get some advent stuff ready for my class, too. Advent is a big thing in Norway, and in elementary school, at least in the lower grades, December mornings usually start with an advent gathering. We sit in a circle, light some candles and sing Christmas songs and read Christmas books (it's pretty dark out still at 8:30 in the morning). I also got an advent calendar for my class where they get a little miniature book for each day. There are 23 kids in my class, so they each get one book, and then I get the book for the 24th. Perfect! We started today, and it was pretty nice.

I was home sick from work yesterday, for the first time in a really long time. I have a pretty bad cold, and yesterday I pretty much lost my voice. Not a good idea to try and teach with no voice. I was back at school today, feeling a bit better. I might have stayed home one more day, though, if it weren't for the fact that I feel like I've got too much to do to be able to stay home.

Because, tomorrow night, my class is performing a Christmas play for their parents. I think it will turn out pretty well - we've practiced a lot - but I'm still nervous. This is the first time I've been responsible for something like this. I'll be happy when it's over.

And now for some pictures from a hike we went on last weekend (these have already made the rounds on Facebook, but still...). The teenager you don't recognize is Espen's friend Harald.


gramma janny said...

Your "Advent Mornings" sound wonderful !

Casey said...

Nice photos!! Particulaly you and Johan and Anders.