Thursday, February 26, 2009

Busy week

This week has been a bit on the crazy side. It started out well - I had the whole afternoon off on Monday, and then had a nice relaxing evening with friends that night. But Gaute is in Stockholm this whole week, and it doesn't take much to throw us off kilter. I had a seminar I had to go to on Tuesday which didn't get done until 6, and Espen was home sick that day. When I got home at about 6:30, I was worn out and the kids were tired and hungry, and Espen was sick and sad because he had been home by himself all day, so I was not feeling very good about the way things were going. Yesterday was a new day, though, and although was home sick again, I was home by a little after 4 and we had a nice relaxing evening, and life seems much better now.

And tomorrow is Friday! (And Gaute is coming home...)

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