I feel like I was just writing about how vacation was just starting and now tomorrow is the last day. It's been a nice vacation, though. I feel like I've had enough time to relax, and we've been relatively social, too.
Christmas Eve was spent at Kari and Grim's house, as usual. Kari made a nice traditional Norwegian Christmas dinner and Grim dressed up as Julenissen and came to the door with presents for the kids. It was a nice evening.
Later we went home and hung up the stockings. Anders and Johan each wrote notes for Santa which they left with the cookies. They don't really believe in Santa anymore, but they're not quite ready to take any chances.
Christmas day started bright and early. Everyone was thrilled with their gifts, but Anders and Espen didn't sleep much at all the night before, so they were pretty out of it by early afternoon. We had Kari and Grim over for a Christmas brunch, and after they left, we all pretty much passed out :-)
The next day, Sindre and his kids were in town. Sindre turned 50 on January 1st, and since he wasn't going to be in town on his actual birthday, he took us all out to a nice celebration dinner on the 26th.
I don't have photographic documentation of the rest of my vacation, but that doesn't mean we didn't have fun. On the 28th, my friend Sandra from Salt Lake came for dinner with her Norwegian husband and kids. They just moved to southern France from Salt Lake at the end of summer, and were in Norway spending Christmas with Bjorn's (her husband's) family. I haven't seen Sandra for 8 years, and it was really fun to have them over.
The last big event was New Year's Eve. We invited quite a few people over, but it was pretty last minute, and most people had other plans. We did end up having two people over, though, and it was a nice evening. Almost everyone in Norway makes a turkey for New Year's Eve, and since we didn't celebrate Thanksgiving this year, we made a Thanksgiving dinner for New Year's. Tasted delicious!
And now there's only one day left. The nice thing is that we start back to school on Tuesday, so this Sunday night isn't like a real Sunday night. It feels like we get a bonus day.
Happy New Year, everyone!
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