It's December 1st. The kids opened the first window on their advent calendars today. They have the kind with a little chocolate for each day, as they have every year. Cheap and easy, and they're happy to get a little chocolate before school every morning.
This year, I had to get some advent stuff ready for my class, too. Advent is a big thing in Norway, and in elementary school, at least in the lower grades, December mornings usually start with an advent gathering. We sit in a circle, light some candles and sing Christmas songs and read Christmas books (it's pretty dark out still at 8:30 in the morning). I also got an advent calendar for my class where they get a little miniature book for each day. There are 23 kids in my class, so they each get one book, and then I get the book for the 24th. Perfect! We started today, and it was pretty nice.
I was home sick from work yesterday, for the first time in a really long time. I have a pretty bad cold, and yesterday I pretty much lost my voice. Not a good idea to try and teach with no voice. I was back at school today, feeling a bit better. I might have stayed home one more day, though, if it weren't for the fact that I feel like I've got too much to do to be able to stay home.
Because, tomorrow night, my class is performing a Christmas play for their parents. I think it will turn out pretty well - we've practiced a lot - but I'm still nervous. This is the first time I've been responsible for something like this. I'll be happy when it's over.
And now for some pictures from a hike we went on last weekend (these have already made the rounds on Facebook, but still...). The teenager you don't recognize is Espen's friend Harald.
Your "Advent Mornings" sound wonderful !
Nice photos!! Particulaly you and Johan and Anders.
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