Still haven't managed to post the rest of my pictures from our trip to the states, but I want to write a bit about the trip to Prague while it's still fresh in my memory. What can I say - it was wonderful! didn't let me down. I picked the top-rated hotel for Prague on their website, a place which had gotten glowing reviews. It was so wonderful - it was a beautiful hotel and they treated us like visiting royalty. After being picked up at the airport by a driver holding a card with our name, we were driven to our hotel in a Mercedes. Then, after checking in we were given a personal tour of the hotel, ending in the rooftop restaurant with views over the whole city. There we were given complimentary drinks and appetizers while the concierge showed us on a map where the highlights of the city were. The room was gorgeous, big with fabulous views. That evening they showed up to turn down our beds, and the concierge had a birthday cake for me!
That night we ate at the hotel restaurant, which must have the best view in all of Prague. It's a very nice restaurant, and we got all dressed up for dinner (I wore the dress I wore to Tess's wedding, and Gaute wore the clothes he WANTED to wear to Tess's wedding). We had a wonderful meal sitting outside on the terrace, watching the lights of Prague slowly come on as it got dark. There were even fireworks - not sure why, but I felt like they were for my birthday :-).
The day we got there, we just took a short walk around the castle, which was adjacent to our hotel. The next day, we decided to go for a guided tour of the city. It was so-so - the guide was a bit strange, but it was nice to get some background information on what we were seeing. It's a beautiful city, with a lot of history!
That night, we ventured out to try to find a restaurant. We ended up at a place with a great location, right on the big river which runs through Prague, but the food was pretty bad. After walking around the city after dinner, we decided to have dessert (and Amaretto) at our hotel restaurant, which was a good choice!
All in all, an absolutely wonderful birthday weekend (had a bit of a cold, but I didn't let it put a damper on anything!)
What a wonderful birthday !! I'm so happy for both you and Gaute.....I love you both very much.
Happy Birthday!!!
Flor (
Wow - what an exceptional experience! And what better birthday to have it on! I'm so happy for you!
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