We had a fun weekend at the cabin. We were only there for about 24 hours, but it's amazing how it really feels like we've had a mini vacation. I love it up there, especially when the weather was as gorgeous as it was. We haven't had any snow in Oslo yet, but up there there was a bit of snow on the ground. The boys were LOVING it!
Finally got my Sun Valley poster framed and hung up!
Anders' bag that he had packed to take with him. With his climbing rope and tooth fairy pillow.
Snowball fight out on the deck.
The climbing rope came in handy!
First tracks...
Johan wanted to take a picture of me :-)
Back home to dark, foggy Oslo.
Oh, I miss it so much! I really need to find my way over there...ummm
What a great weekend....great family....and awesome tooth fairy pillow!!
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