Thursday, October 25, 2007

Substitute Teacher

Today and tomorrow all of the teachers (and the principal and staff) at Korsvoll school are in London, team-building and attending various courses and such. Thus, they have asked the parents to step in and be the teachers for two days. And, what do you know, somehow I ended up being one of the volunteers in Espen's class...

The two other parents who were there with me today are both researchers, and they wanted to do some type of research. Great, I thought, I'm all over research - not! It worked out really well, though, I have to say. We did various types of research on food, and my group looked into what is in food, and how many calories and grams of fat and stuff like that an average 7th grader eats in the course of a day. They got pretty into it, and it was fun working with them. It makes me excited to have my own class....

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