One thing that happened in August which was very exciting was that Johan started school. He was very excited, and he really likes it a lot! On the first day, all of the first graders meet up in front of the school, and the principal (far right) calls the kids names one by one, and they come up and shake hands with the principal, and then with their teacher. Johan's teacher is named Kikki - she's the one holding the sign that says D. He is in class 1D.

The first day only lasts for one hour, and the parents go into to the class with the kids. Gaute and I were so proud that Johan picked up the "raise your hand" thing right away. He's sitting next to his current best friend, Alexander.

Anders and Espen also had first days of school on August 21st. Espen started 6th grade, and Anders started 3rd grade. Now we have 3 kids at the same school!!